
Showing posts from April, 2014
When squatting, keep your back straight and keep your weight in your heels.
Inhale into your belly, not your chest, while you run.  Belly breathing will get more oxygen to your system than shallow breathing into the chest.
People who do only baseline activity, such as standing, walking slowly, and lifting lightweight objects, are considered to be inactive. 
Exercise is a form of physical activity that is planned, structured, repetitive, and performed with the goal of improving health or fitness. 
Drink protein shakes when you are on the go to reduce your total caloric intake.  This will keep your abs tight and lean.
Small, progressive changes in overload help the body adapt to the additional stresses while minimizing the risk of injury. 
Feed your body healthy foods and get your body moving with regular exercise.  This will surely help you lose weight.
Weight-training can improve bone density.  According to some experts, weight-training exceeds running in its bone-strengthening effectiveness. 
Working with weights for just 20 minutes twice a week should be enough to start building more lean muscle and flattening your abs.
Buy whole-grain bread instead of white bread.
Eat lean types of meats like chicken, fish, turkey, and egg whites to develop a lean and fat-free abs.
If you're weight-training 2 days a week, increase it to 3 days.  Remember to allow your muscles to rest at least 48 hours between sessions.
When you become dehydrated during exercising, your muscles begin to use more carbohydrates and less fat for fuel. 
Give your abs at least a day of rest between your workouts in order to repair and build.
Walking helps to eliminate stress hormones from your body and reduces tension in several large muscle groups (glutes, quads, and hamstrings). 
Muscle tissue burns calories at a faster rate than fat does.  
Fiber has zero calories.  If you are trying to lose weight, try to eat enough fiber everyday. 
Keep your abs tight by cutting back on meats high in fat, such as burgers, and greasy fried foods, such as French fries.
If you want to lower your blood cholesterol levels, eat a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet, and exercise.
If you are trying a new technique or are working with a new machine, ask a trainer for assistance in learning how to perform the exercise properly. 
Locking the joints when you're lifting weight can put enormous strain on them and lead to muscle and joint injury.
Many studies show that walking has health benefits and a low risk of injury.  It can be done year-round and in many settings.
Without adequate amounts of the B vitamins, the body lacks the energy needed for exercise. 
Physically active women have a significantly lower risk of breast cancer.
Jumping rope is a good cardiovascular exercise and calorie-burner, but protect your legs and back by jumping on a rubber mat instead of concrete.
Some good abs exercise include: sit-ups, crunches, jogging, cycling, and swimming.  Do these exercises for at least 30 minutes, 3 times per week.
Flexibility is very important in the cool down because it will help bring the muscles back to their original resting length after the workout. 
Eat breakfast everyday.  It gets your metabolism up and running. 
When resistance training is used to enhance muscle strength, one set of 8 to 12 repetitions of each exercise is effective.
Protect your knees by including exercises for both quads (leg extensions) and hamstrings (leg curls) in a strength-training program. 
Cross training helps guard against overuse injuries that can result from doing only one type of workout. 
Do not over-stretch or you risk pulling a muscle.  Ease into any stretch.
Olive oil is high in monounsaturated fat, which is healthy for you.
A caloric reduction will help to minimize the amount of excess energy available for your belly to store as fat.
Limit rest time in between abs exercises to about 1 minute or less, so that you can keep your metabolism high and burn fat quicker.
Abdominal crunches are easier to do with your feet up on a chair and legs bent at a 90-degree angle. 
Eat fish on a regular basis.  Fish can promote better short-term memory.
To minimize your heart disease risk as much as possible, make sure you're doing regular cardiovascular exercise such as running or walking.
Carry low fat snacks with you or keep them in your desk at work. Snacks such as dried or fresh fruit or a small bag of nuts or pretzels are good options.
To get the most from your abdominal crunches, your lower back should stay pressed against the floor throughout each crunch. 
It's important to work all the major muscle groups of the body: the legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms. 
Many people need to do more than 5 hours of moderate-intensity activity a week to meet weight–control goals. 
Walking increases the production of endorphins, which can calm the body and promote restful sleep.
A crash diet slows down your metabolic rate.  When this happens, your body will store energy instead of burning it and you will actually gain weight.