
Showing posts from May, 2014
If you are in pain from working out, stop.  You should rest and wait a few days before attempting again. 
The Institute of Medicine recommends one hour of moderate activity daily for maintaining healthy weight and decreasing risk of heart disease.
Both aerobic (endurance) and muscle-strengthening (resistance) physical activity are beneficial. 
Exercise helps burn calories, and diet controls your weight. 
Adults with a low level of fitness may need to start with light activity, or a mix of light- to moderate-intensity activity. 
Use plant-based oils such as olive, canola and soy oils instead of butter or margarine in cooking and baking.
On food labels, look for at least 2-3 grams of fiber per serving.  Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, which are great sources of fiber.
Progressive muscle-strengthening activities increase or preserve muscle mass, strength, and power. 
Walking, gardening or yard work, bicycling or exercise cycling, dancing, swimming, and golf are activities with the lowest injury rates. 
Bone-strengthening activities can also be aerobic and muscle strengthening. 
The risk of injury can be reduced by performing appropriate amounts of activity and setting appropriate personal goals. 
Being physically active and eating a healthy diet can promote good health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. 
The more lean muscle you have, the more calories you'll burn, even when you're staying perfectly still.
Studies show that the frequent decline in bone density that happens during aging can be slowed with regular physical activity. 
Basic yoga and/or Pilates stretching will go far in improving your flexibility. 
To help protect your wrists, keep your hands in line with your forearms when working out with weights. 
When your body is well hydrated, the body's processes involved in fat burning are maximized.  You therefore burn more fat.
Gradually decrease your intensity as you finish a cardio workout; do not stop abruptly.  This can be hard on your heart and your body. 
Children and adolescents should do 60 minutes or more of physical activity daily. 
Physically active adults have lower risk of depression and cognitive decline (declines in thinking, learning, and judgment skills). 
The risk of injury to bones, muscles, and joints is directly related to the gap between a person’s usual level of activity and a new level of activity.
Make a point to use deep breathing techniques during workouts.
Enjoy your foods and appreciate each bite.  Chew carefully and slowly and don't overeat. 
Be physically active and incorporate abs exercises into your daily routines.
When it comes to losing weight, exercise alone usually doesn't cut it.  Most people need a combined approach that addresses both diet and exercise.
Preserving bone, joint, and muscle health is essential with increasing age. 
Healthy men and women who plan prudent increases in their weekly amounts of physical activity do not need to consult a health-care provider.
A caloric reduction is the first step in getting flat abs.  So begin eating right today.
If you cut down fatty foods and eat more fruit, vegetables, grain and protein, you will automatically cut calories and lose weight.
Juicy fruits and vegetables such as lettuce, watermelon, apples, oranges, and broccoli contribute to your daily intake of water.
Taking supplements can be an excellent way to get all of the vitamins and minerals needed for good health.
Physical activity improves physical fitness, such as aerobic capacity, and muscle strength and endurance.
Never exercise or play a sport without warming up your muscles first with 10 minutes of light activity. 
Perform cardiovascular activity before your abs workout to prevent muscle strains and to burn more abs calories.
Eat half of the food on your plate while eating out and bring the other half home for later consumption.
Your core muscles include muscles in the abdomen, back, pelvis and hips.  They help support your spine, maintain your balance and move your legs. 
Building strength and flexibility through yoga can improve your running performance.
Most of the 60 or more minutes a day of physical activity should be either moderate- or vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity.
A warm-up for muscle-strengthening activity commonly involves doing exercises with lighter weight. 
Vary your workout routines and try alternating among the various equipment and machines, duration, and level and intensity. 
Don't eat just because you are bored.  Eat only when you are hungry.  This will prevent excess belly fat from building up.
Never force stretches that cause you pain.