Get Back on the Saddle

Get Back on the Saddle I know as mature women and men we often times find ourselves off track when it comes to taking care of ourselves in terms of our health and fitness due to many things. Often times work becomes overwhelming, hindering us from having time to take care of ourselves; family (children, grandchildren, mate) prevents us from focusing on our health; issues such as colds, flu, infections, sprained or injury to a leg, foot, knee, hip, back also can interfere with our exercise program. I recently experienced a problem with my foot – plantar fasciitis – that threw me off my exercise routine for weeks. I oftentimes run, box, dance and lift weights with my clients and having this injury really took its toll on me. I had my own exercise routine that was hampered. Also, when we are used to working out and something hinders our routine, our body lets us know it is not happy. Well I am “Back on the Saddle” and am so grateful. I am back to running, boxing, dancing, lifting weights, enjoying yoga and Pilates and have accepted a position as a fitness instructor at a large apartment facility in downtown Long Beach and will be teaching Zumba and Pilates classes every week for this establishment. I got “Back on the Saddle” just in time. I hope you too will get Back on the Saddle and attend to your health and fitness. I have some great end of year specials at Wonderfully Fit Personal Training that can help you “get back up” that I would like to share with you. END OF YEAR SPECIAL Sign up for any of Wonderfully Fit’s personal training packages before December 31, 2013 and receive a 30% discount off any package. This discount price will include all renewals through December 31, 2014. SPECIAL OFFER FOR PILATES CLASS Buy a Package of Pilates Classes before December 31, 2013 and receive 30% discount off the package. This discount also extends to individual classes. Boxing Fitness Workouts Boxing is great exercise; it can be used as s workout for cardio and endurance. The benefits of boxing fitness workouts include improved stamina, speed, coordination, etc. Here are some boxing moves for self-defense and fitness: Boxing Stance Start in the boxing stance with your feet about shoulder width apart, with a slight bend in your knees your left foot should be in front of your right foot. Your elbows should be close to your body with your fists at about face level. Rest your chin on your chest. Remain slightly on your toes on both feet and practice "dancing" around moving forwards, backwards and side to side. Boxing Punches Jab or straight: Push your fist forward in a straight line quickly and forcefully, and pull straight back to the starting position. Hook: Move your elbow up to shoulder level and throw your fist in a circular motion with your elbow bent. Uppercut: Drop your fist lower with the back of your hand pointing away from you, now thrust your fist forward and upward. Ok, you know the stance and the moves, so now here's your boxing fitness workout, give yourself lots of room, set a timer for 3 mins and "dance" around shadow boxing, throwing jabs, hooks and upper cuts in different combinations. When the timer goes off take 1 minute for rest and then do another 3 min round. Over time add more rounds and one day see if you can "go the distance" of 15 rounds. Visit for more fitness tips or information on any of our session packages. In health and fitness, Terrine Pearsall Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) (562) 896-7629


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