Do You Know How Important You Are?

Have you ever stopped to think what would happen if you were not physically able to provide for others? Who would cook for the family? Who would do the housework; drop off and pick up the kids? Who would perform your job? Who would do the many many things we do daily and weekly to make life happen? Another critical question – are you doing what you can to take care of your health and fitness to make sure you are able to continue to do all of these things and be in the best shape and condition you can be? When we think about the plight of Americans, we have to agree that these are all great questions. I get run down too and am guilty of doing for everyone and leaving myself last. I know as a fitness professional I need to stay in the best condition I can and heading into 2014 I am making me a priority. I realize I cannot help my family, employer, clients, and friends if I am not able to physically do what I do. That’s a fact! We have some great end of year specials at Wonderfully Fit Personal Training that can help you take care of you. We have extended our END OF YEAR SPECIAL to January 15, 2014. They are Sign up for any of Wonderfully Fit’s personal training packages, before January 15, 2014 and receive a 30% discount off any package. This discount price will include all renewals through December 31, 2014. SPECIAL OFFER FOR PILATES CLASS Buy a Package of Pilates Classes before January 15, 2014 and receive 30% discount off the package. This discount also extends to individual classes. Fitness Tips For 12/29/2013 Benefits of Keeping a Food Journal What you eat plays a huge role in how you build your body. And eating is like fishing - lots of tall tales are told and there can be a big difference between what you thought you did and what you actually did. One simple way to remedy this is with a food journal. No, it is not a list of foods to eat or not it. It is simply a notebook in which you write down everything that goes into your mouth. And it may shock you. To make this work, you have to be totally honest and put down everything you ingest, including liquids and snacks. How long? Two weeks. Write down everything you eat and drink (including water) for the next two weeks. Include both what you are eating and how much you are eating of it. Also note the times that you are eating and drinking. Don't cheat - put it all down. Also, don't try and eat differently to make your eating habits appear better. At this point you are just looking at a diagnostic test, not yet repair. The dietary repair comes last. Once you have two weeks’ worth of data on what you have been eating sit down and analyze it. Or if you aren’t that strong on nutrition, have a pal or someone who knows good nutrition analyze your diet. Are you getting enough protein? Drinking too much caffeine? Snacking on the wrong stuff? A two week overview should provide a fairly good picture on what your eating habits are and let you know if you need to improve. Once you have the two week overview finished, as well as an analysis of what you ate, it is now time to move onward. Fix the holes in your diet by setting up a plan to improve your dietary intake, based on what your two week journal revealed. Get rid of the things you need to, improve any bad habits, etc. This dietary journal is a simple yet very effective way to rapidly diagnose and improve your diet. Nutrition is 70% of any weight and fitness goal. Visit for more fitness tips or information on any of our session packages. In health and fitness, Terrine Pearsall Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) (562) 896-7629


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