Brown is Better

A great tip for losing weight is to make the switch from white flour based food to whole grains. Whole grains are whole wheat, oats, whole rye flour, barley, brown rice and any other unprocessed grain. The added fiber in whole grain foods will fill you up quicker than if you were eating the white versions. Foods containing whole grains are also believed to keep blood-sugar levels stable over a longer period of time. Try to substitute these foods:

• Whole wheat bread vs. Enriched white bread
• Whole wheat pasta vs. White-flour pasta
• Sweet potatoes vs. White potatoes
• Whole wheat tortilla vs. White-flour tortilla
• Wheat bran cereal vs. Corn flakes
• Oatmeal vs. Cream of wheat
• Whole rye crackers vs. White-flour based crackers
• Whole grain waffles vs. White flour based waffles


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