Watch out for low-carb diets

Many people really like low-carb diets but there are a few major issues with going low-carb. A major concern is the effect it has on your most metabolic active tissue in your body, muscle tissue. Without carbohydrates to fuel your body through intense strength training session, your body will simply not have the energy to perform optimally. This means you will not build the maximum amount of muscle tissue as possible which has a major impact on burning additional calories every day. Another issue is post-workout when your muscles are screaming to be replenished with glycogen. Without providing glycogen to your muscles, you will enter a state of catabolism which means you will be breaking muscle tissue down! This is the last thing you want when trying to lose weight. Another big issue with low-carb diets is the limitation of the food. How many times have you heard people talk about starting a low carb diet for a few weeks and becoming tired eating the same thing day after day? They eventually go off the low-carb diet and go right back to their old eating habits and gain all the weight back. Remember to think of your plan as a lifestyle change instead of a temporary diet. You want to create healthy habits and forget about temporary fixes. Follow a solid nutritional plan which includes a large variety of low calorie, nutrient dense foods and you will have the tools you need to keep the weight off forever!


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