
Showing posts from January, 2014


On food labels, look for at least 2-3 grams of fiber per serving.  Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, which are great sources of fiber.
Progressive muscle-strengthening activities increase or preserve muscle mass, strength, and power. 


Walking, gardening or yard work, bicycling or exercise cycling, dancing, swimming, and golf are activities with the lowest injury rates. 

Exercise Mix

Whatever your favorite cardio activity, remember that strength-training  should be part of your exercise mix.


In older adults at risk of falls, strong evidence shows that regular physical activity is safe and reduces this risk. 

Bones and Aging

Studies show that the frequent decline in bone density that happens during aging can be slowed with regular physical activity. 


Basic yoga and/or Pilates stretching will go far in improving your flexibility. 

Weight Lifting

To help protect your wrists, keep your hands in line with your forearms when working out with weights. 


When your body is well hydrated, the body's processes involved in fat burning are maximized.  You therefore burn more fat.

Deep Breathing

Make a point to use deep breathing techniques during workouts.

Physically Active

Be physically active and incorporate abs exercises into your daily routines.

Active Lifestyle

Parents and teachers should model and encourage an active lifestyle for children.  Praise, rewards, and encouragement help children to be active.

Pilates Class

SATURDAY PILATES CLASS --  Can You Make It? Saturday, January 25, 2014 @ 12 pm Wonderfully Fit Studio 4180 Gardenia Avenue, LB COME JOIN US THIS SATURDAY  Tone and sculpt Your  Body  AWESOME CORE WORK!


Fiber offers great health benefits.  Fiber-rich foods include fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, and nuts.
Most people take 60-90 seconds between the first and second sets of an exercise.  Try keeping your rest period to 30-60 seconds.

Losing Weight

When it comes to losing weight, exercise alone usually doesn't cut it.  Most people need a combined approach that addresses both diet and exercise.


Preserving bone, joint, and muscle health is essential with increasing age. 

Vitamin D

Your body produces vitamin D when it is exposed to sunlight.  So make sure to get your 10-15 minutes of sunshine a few times a week. 
Studies show that adults with osteoarthritis can expect improvements in pain, physical function, and mental health with regular physical activity. 
A typical aerobics class burns about 300 calories.
Success is a three-step journey: Planning, execution and bridging the gap between them. Nilesh Pampattiwar --- India
Physical activity is a leading example of how lifestyle choices have a profound effect on health. 

Best Ab Exercise

The best abs exercise is the traditional abdominal crunch with the knees elevated on a bench or workout ball.

Stress Relief

Some of the best stress-relief strategies include: aerobic exercise, getting sufficient sleep, and deep breathing.

Flat Abs

A caloric reduction is the first step in getting flat abs.  So begin eating right today.

Lose Weight

If you cut down fatty foods and eat more fruit, vegetables, grain and protein, you will automatically cut calories and lose weight.

Intake of Water

Juicy fruits and vegetables such as lettuce, watermelon, apples, oranges, and broccoli contribute to your daily intake of water.


Taking supplements can be an excellent way to get all of the vitamins and minerals needed for good health.


During your squatting routine, be sure to tighten your stomach muscles, from upper to lower. 

Abs Work

Perform cardiovascular activity before your abs workout to prevent muscle strains and to burn more abs calories.

Saturday Pilates

SATURDAY PILATES CLASS --  Can You Make It? Saturday, January 18, 2014 @ 12 pm Wonderfully Fit Studio 4180 Gardenia Avenue, LB COME JOIN US THIS SATURDAY  Tone and sculpt Your  Body  AWESOME CORE WORK!

Core Muscles

Your core muscles include muscles in the abdomen, back, pelvis and hips.  They help support your spine, maintain your balance and move your legs. 

Core Muscles

Your core muscles include muscles in the abdomen, back, pelvis and hips.  They help support your spine, maintain your balance and move your legs. 

Physically Active People

Physically active people of all body weights (normal weight, overweight, obese) have lower rates of early death than do inactive people. 


Building strength and flexibility through yoga can improve your running performance.

Physical Activity

Most of the 60 or more minutes a day of physical activity should be either moderate- or vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity.


Vary your workout routines and try alternating among the various equipment and machines, duration, and level and intensity. 


Vary your workout routines and try alternating among the various equipment and machines, duration, and level and intensity. 


When done properly, stretching activities increase flexibility. 

Physical Activity

Some people need more physical activity than others to maintain a healthy body weight, to lose weight, or to keep weight off once it has been lost. 

Stress Hormone

When you experience physical or emotional stress, the body releases cortisol, a stress hormone, to help you deal with the stress.

Sources of Fiber

Raisins, apples, dates, prunes, figs, pineapples are excellent sources of fiber and potassium and are fat-free.

Strength Training

Strength-training can be done with weight machines, free weights or a combination of both. 

Breathing And Running

Inhale into your belly, not your chest, while you run.  Belly breathing will get more oxygen to your system than shallow breathing into the chest.


Eat one extra piece of fruit or vegetable per day. 

Protein Shakes

Drink protein shakes when you are on the go to reduce your total caloric intake.  This will keep your abs tight and lean.

Overload Principle

Small, progressive changes in overload help the body adapt to the additional stresses while minimizing the risk of injury. 

Pilates Class

SATURDAY PILATES CLASS --  Can You Make It? Saturday, January 11, 2014 @ 12 pm Wonderfully Fit Studio 4180 Gardenia Avenue, LB COME JOIN US THIS SATURDAY  Tone and sculpt Your  Body  AWESOME CORE WORK!


In the amounts commonly done by adults, walking has a third or less of the injury risk of running. 

Lose Weight

Feed your body healthy foods and get your body moving with regular exercise.  This will surely help you lose weight.

Fun Exercising

Fun is an important part of a successful exercise program.  The more fun you have, the more likely you will stick with the program. 

Resistance Exercises

Resistance exercises improve muscular strength in persons with stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, or spinal cord injury.

Vitamin B

The B vitamins help release energy from carbohydrates, fats and proteins. 


Don't just be who you are and what you are. Move, evolve, change, grow and become better each day. RVM

Bone Density

Weight-training can improve bone density.  According to some experts, weight-training exceeds running in its bone-strengthening effectiveness. 

Working With Weights

Working with weights for just 20 minutes twice a week should be enough to start building more lean muscle and flattening your abs.

Lean Abs

Eat lean types of meats like chicken, fish, turkey, and egg whites to develop a lean and fat-free abs.

Feel Full

High-water foods are also low in calories.  You can feel full with fewer calories. 

Active Adults

Adults who are physically active are healthier and less likely to develop many chronic diseases than adults who are inactive. 

Becoming Dehydrated

When you become dehydrated during exercising, your muscles begin to use more carbohydrates and less fat for fuel. 

Rise Up.

Rise up in the mist of turmoil, even if it's just raising one finger. Eventually you will raise the hand and then the whole body. Rise up! Janice Harris


Give your abs at least a day of rest between your workouts in order to repair and build.

Aged and Exercise

Greater amounts of physical activity provide additional and more extensive health benefits to people aged 65 years and older. 


Walking helps to eliminate stress hormones from your body and reduces tension in several large muscle groups (glutes, quads, and hamstrings). 

Mat Pilates

SATURDAY PILATES CLASS --  Can You Make It? Saturday, January 4, 2014 @ 12 pm Wonderfully Fit Studio 4180 Gardenia Avenue, LB COME JOIN US THIS SATURDAY  Tone and sculpt Your  Body  AWESOME CORE WORK!
Muscle tissue burns calories at a faster rate than fat does.  

Physical Activity

The best physical activity is the one that is enjoyable enough to do regularly.
Sometimes it takes unusual circumstances to do the Impossible." Eric Eisenberg --- When you don't believe in the "Impossible", you can do anything under any circumstances. Promise to do the "Impossible".

Cancer Survivors & Exercise

Cancer survivors have a better quality of life and improved physical fitness if they are physically active.

Keep Abs Tight

Keep your abs tight by cutting back on meats high in fat, such as burgers, and greasy fried foods, such as French fries.

Lower Cholesterol

If you want to lower your blood cholesterol levels, eat a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet, and exercise.

Happy New Year

Started the year doing what I love to do - working out. Walked my dogs 3 miles, Spinning and lifted weights while listening to countdown on WDAS - love this station.