
Showing posts from December, 2010

Fitness Tip.

Do the worst first. Hate abs? Squats? Lunges? Do them FIRST. Starting your strength training session with the “worst of the worst” will help you finish strong. If you look forward to your favorite exercises at the END of the workout, it will encourage you to finish (AND get the tough stuff out of the way).

Be Yourself...

Be Yourself... There will be challenges to face and changes to make in your life, and it is up to you to accept them. Constantly keep yourself headed in the right direction for you. It may not be easy at times, but in those times of struggle you will find a stronger sense of who you are."

Be your biggest fan.

Be your biggest fan. If you don't root yourself on, then no one will. Take some time each morning to look in the mirror and point out three things you like about yourself or what small results you've seen. Focusing on the positive will give you a healthier outlook on your goals.

Pose slimmer.

Pose slimmer. Everyone knows the camera adds ten pounds, but what celebrities know is how to make it look like you lost a few. Make your next photo more flattering by placing one hand on your hip and leaning toward the opposite side. This will elongate your torso and make your arms look leaner.

Start Journaling.

Start Journaling. Keep a food journal noting what you eat, how much, when and where. Journaling can help keep you accountable for what you eat and help you think twice before overindulging. It can also help identify unhealthy patterns that may be inhibiting your weight loss.

Move it.

Move it. Feng Shui Your Fridge. It sounds simple, but just taking your good stuff out of the crisper, cutting it up so it’s ready to go and putting it on a more visible shelf can aid in your effort to eat better. (And it doesn’t hurt to move the fattening stuff out of sight.) You'll be more likely to reach for a healthy snack if it’s front and center!

Choose the crunch.

Choose the crunch. Choose fruit over fruit juice. The real thing is more likely to have higher fiber content and make you feel fuller…so always opt for the whole fruit when you can.

Learn to eyeball.

Eyeball those portion sizes! Want to make sure you’re getting the right serving sizes? Use these tricks of the trade: 3 oz. of lean meat = a standard deck of cards. Half a cup of fruit, veggies or whole grains = an orange. 1 oz. of cheese = 2 dominoes.

Don't skip meals.

Don't skip meals. Skipping meals can cause low blood sugar, which means you’ll end up feeling weak (booo) and lightheaded (hisss). AND it can lead to overeating and food cravings later. Statistics show that people who skip breakfast are more likely to be overweight than people who eat in the morning. Never skipping a meal will help you stabilize blood sugar and control your appetite.

Build willpower.

Build willpower. Be smart when you eat out. Going to dinner tonight? Eat a balanced snack 1 to 3 hours before leaving the house: veggies with hummus, a non-fat yogurt with 1 tbsp chopped walnuts, 1 tbsp of natural peanut butter on whole wheat toast, or a piece of fresh fruit and a slice of lowfat cheese. The extra something in your belly will give you the self-control to say “no” to fatty appetizers and gigantic desserts.

Watch portions.

Watch portions. When you get takeout, think of it as two meals and split it with a friend or put half of it away before you even start eating. When you’re playing chef at home? Avoid serving plates or bowls; pre-portion your feast on a smaller plate instead. It will be more satisfying both to your eyes and your stomach!

Ride the wave.

Ride the wave. Feel yourself getting ready to overindulge? These urges come in waves. If you can allow 10 to 15 minutes to pass, chances are the urge will pass with it. Occupy the time by moving around, calling a friend, taking a shower, going on a walk, or doing something relaxing and positive for yourself…you are definitely worth it!

Plan ahead.

Plan ahead. Curb the afternoon munchies by planning ahead. Tempted to hit that vending machine? Have some string cheese, protein water or a handful of nuts at the ready to help keep you satisfied.

Drink your H2O.

Drink your H2O. Feeling tired or hungry? You may just be thirsty. Make sure you get at least 6 glasses of water a day. Water helps your body transport nutrients and eliminate toxins. Get tired of all the agua? Add a cucumber or lemon slice to jazz it up!

Divide your plate.

Divide your plate. Divide your plate, conquer your weight. Fill half of your plate with veggies or salad (watch those fatty dressings!) One-quarter should be lean protein—fish, chicken or beef—grilled, baked or poached. And the last quarter should be starch—but watch the butter or oil. It’s easy to remember at home, or in a restaurant.


Life is often confusing and iffy. When life takes turns that seem so long, stay on your path - for the road of dreams is long and hazy. After all these have come to pass, remember there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Don't let life's opportunities slip through your fingers because of that voice inside telling you to quit. There are so many victories you can achieve; all goals are worth fighting for.

Prevent idle hands.

Prevent idle hands. Being in front of the television is one of the biggest reasons people forget about portion control. To avoid bad snacking throughout a show, give your hands something else to do. Take up knitting, fill in a crossword or fold some laundry—the more your hands have to do, the less time they'll spend reaching for food.

Pre-game for parties.

Pre-game for parties. If you've got a party coming up, don't fret over getting off track. Instead, fill up on a healthy meal before you go. You'll have less of an appetite for greasy appetizers and still be able to enjoy the festivities.

Mind over menu.

Mind over menu. Eating out while trying to stay on track can be pretty challenging. Avoid overdoing your order by picking your meal ahead of time. Many restaurants have their menus available on their websites. Figure out what you want to fill up on and you'll be ready to avoid temptation come dinnertime.