Exercise in the Morning When Possible

Exercise in the Morning When Possible. When you exercise, your body is obviously burning calories. But don’t forget, every body function burns calories and that includes all of the recovery processes your body goes trough to adapt to your exercise program.
After you exercise, your muscles are busy with their “recover, repair, grow” process and this goes on for several hours after your workout. By exercising in the morning, you can take advantage of your body’s heightened metabolism and burn fat all day long!
Try High Intensity Interval Training! Yes, cardio burns fat. For those of you who hate to run, there is an answer…HITT! “High intensity interval training” refers to shorter, more strenuous cardio sessions (usually about 3-5 minutes for each exercise), performed back-to-back to create a fast-changing, exciting workout session specifically geared to burn body fat. For example, you may do 3 minutes of jumping rope, followed immediately by a 5 minute jog, and then 3 minutes on a rowing machine, etc.
These shorter cycles of different exercises force the body to quickly change the level of intensity, the muscles groups used, and the recovery process all at the same time and it’s been shown that this type of exercise actually burns MORE calories than doing just one type of cardio for the same time period. Beset of all, 30 minutes is about all you need to get a great workout in!


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