Remove temptation from your house.

This tip may be the most important aspect of succeeding with your weight loss plan. You should go through your kitchen and remove all the temptations from your refrigerator, pantry and all other areas in your home where unhealthy foods reside. Try taking the mindset of treating food like a drug. If you were a recovering alcoholic, the last thing you would want is to have alcohol in your home. The temptation would be too intense and the probability to relapse and consume the harmful drug would be far too strong. Just like alcohol, treat food like a drug. For many people, food is their drug of choice and this is the primary reason why it’s very important to minimize the temptation as much as possible from your home. Start by going through your kitchen and removing all the high fat, high sugar and empty calorie foods such as cakes, candy, crackers, potato chips, rolls, chocolate, pies, cookies, pizza and ice cream. Replace these unhealthy items with healthy, nutrient dense food that fuels your body and helps you run at an optimal level.


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